Well, I am going on week two of being home. I missed my tenth graders and the random things they say during class. But, I am so glad I went on this rural practicum.
Since I began this journey of heading into the teaching program, I have thought I would enjoy teaching in a rural setting. But only after I have all of my school stuff done. It is not fair for a teacher to head out to the bush, just to leave after a year to "finish their own things." For this reason I have wanted to finish my degree and then spend at least 2 years in a rural community. Heading out to Anatuvuk Pass, AK for the week that I did, cemented the fact i would like to teach in the bush at some point in my career.
All of the people were nice and invited us into activities and such within their community. As has been referenced below in my post about Bingo.The kids were great and we were able to see the younger classes as well. It was an interesting experience to teach in a fifth/sixth grade class while my degree is in secondary.
In the long run and looking down the road, all i want is for an opportunity to teach. Watching that student that was struggling or having a hard time, finally "get it" is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.
This blog will chronicle my trip to Anaktuvuk Pass in rural Alaska. While this is for my education class, I believe it will give me the opportunity to share my experiences with more than just my classmates.